Twila, Rose and Diamond | Friends\Portait

Meet Twila, Rose and Diamond,  some of the best ladies on this earth…

These ladies wanted some pictures together before Twila left us (*insert sad face*)… it was a rather last-minute thing, but oh-s0-fun and filled with many laughs. 😀

Thought I would share a few with you all…









[Thank you dear ladies, it was honor to photograph you. <3]

Would love some feedback: would you enjoy occasional “photography” posts, or not so much?


Thanks for stopping by!

Wishing to all of you a happy, and glory-filled Christmas.

Many blessings>>>Monica

5 thoughts on “Twila, Rose and Diamond | Friends\Portait

  1. Oh Monica, that was a fun afternoon! I miss you lots! Can’t believe it will soon be you leaving Colorado! Rose and I said we want to come visit you in Thailand, not saying we will but oh that would be a grand time! Have a Very Merry Christmas!

  2. Absolutely lovely pictures! They are such wonderful ladies & you a one in a million, amazing photographer! 🙂 Oh, I loved it. I should voice my opinion, please do it again SOON. Love you so much, dearest Monica.

  3. Hi Monica! I enjoyed your pictures very much, so please continue as often as you want to. 🙂 Wow! I can’t believe what a young lady Diamond is turning out to be. Sure makes me think of and miss Sharion, as they are only two weeks apart. (I think.)
    When is your family leaving for Thailand?
    Blessings to you also, for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

  4. Wonderful pictures!!!!Love it when you post pictures!!But then I just really enjoy reading your blog no matter what…Love you sooo much my dear dear Monica ❤

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